Friday, June 6, 2014

Got to Love This Fashion Statement!

This is my old photo.. this time my hair is short, so i kena la dress up yang kena with my hairstyle kan.. time ni i loveeeeeeeee alot of accessories. so I put on some of necklaces from my accessories collection.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

#NanaFamyWedding... Ohh my lovely bride & broom....

Looked at them! So beautiful yet simple & lovely wedding...Did I mentioned that I'm a one of the bridesmaids? Such a beautiful wedding...I'm so happy for them and wish nothing but the best for them.. The list of beautiful bridesmaid is..Jeng jeng.....1. Nurul Huda yg sweet 2. Diana yg menawan 3. Kak Ein yg comel 4. Ieka yg cantik 5. Me 6. Miera yg manis(Pengampit)... I lovee lovee
the theme... FYI the 'Pelamin & bride's dress is by Harharah Bridal KL...You can find them on Instagram... hehehe belong to my BFF...On that particular event i'm wearing tudung by Hoods_Shawl....You can searh her on IG as well, all her tudung is custom-made... Let's talk about the bride & broom.... Well I known Suzana since secondary school, but starting to become best friend when it was in high school.. Lama kannnn....hehehe.... and famy pulak kenal nana time kolej if i'm not mistaken.... Alot of Rintangan for both of them.... mmg la kan 'DARAH MUDA'...hahahaha....starting to get to know to each other MESTI ada gaduh2 sana sini....tapi itu lah yang mengeratkan silatulrahim.....betul takkkk????!!! same goes to me pon.....Alhamdulillah pertalian yg terjalin selama 5tahun telh berakhir dgn ikatan perkahwinan.. Maka bermulalah perjalanan baru untuk both of them... well itu bukan saya punya department okeyyy...hahaha.... Ohhh nampak tak Nathasa Noor yg tengah2 tuuu yg tgh preggyy....well dia pon baru je berkahwin and now pergnant 4months...Alhamdulillah... her photo will be upload soon...